Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Japanese using military grade weapons against Sea Shepherd

Over the last few days Japan has been throwing metal objects and using military grade weapons against theSea Shepherd, Steve Irwin conservation vessel and it has become a very serious matter. See the letter i just wrote to Peter.Garrett.MP and write or repost this email to him at Peter.Garrett.MP@aph.gov.au or http://www.environment.gov.au/about/contacts/index.html

Also see http://www.seashepherd.org

Read more about a secret-japan-deal-to-trade-whale-kills

Dear Peter,
I understand you or a representative from your department was and will be negotiating a proposal at a IWC meeting in Rome to allow japan to recommence commercial whaling off its shore in exchange for a strange sort of reduction in its illegal whaling activities in the Antarctic. Please do not compromise and back down on whaling. They have no rights to kill whales full stop. If they want to pull out of the IWC over them not getting their way , so be it. We/ the world owe them nothing. If they do pull out they become even more obvious as a renegade nation and you can use all the evidence you collected to challenge them in the ICJ or ICOS or Antarctic treaty.

Im sure you are aware that over the last few days Japan has been throwing metal objects and using military grade weapons against the Steve Irwin conservation vessel and it has become a very serious matter. Please remember that Sea Shepherd have a helicopter pilot and crew operating in dangerous conditions. The Japanese are using a military grade weapon system that sends out high frequency sound waves designed to disorient and possibly incapacitate personnel. Both the persons onboard the Zodiac vessels and the helicopter pilot are in extreme danger of losing their lives from these weapons... ..The Japanese are acting out of accordance with international law by deploying military weapons in the Antarctic Treaty Zone, breaking international laws.

Please do the right thing, to protect our brave AUstralians down there trying to save the lives of the whales from the illegal actions of the Japanese... .We are requesting Australia send a Naval ship or coast guard to protect peaceful protesters. I would also like you to ask/demand the Japanese to stop this dangerous and illegal practice and stop killing whales.

O yeah. You can see the interview you did with me at the IWC at my http://www.planetearthinternettv.com

For the whales
Dean Jefferys

For the whales
Dean Jefferys

See my other websites and become a friend
