Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Whale conservation representatives call for Boycott of Japanese Products

Dean Jefferys and Howie Cooke visited the Japanese consulate in Brisbane (for the 9th time) to have a meeting with the deputy consulate to informed him of the campaign to Boycott Japanese Products if Japan continues to kill whales.
see media release below

MEDIA RELEASE: 27.11.2008

Whale conservation representatives call for Boycott of Japanese Products

Whale conservation representatives will meet with the Japanese Consulate in Brisbane on Friday 28th Nov to seek an end to the annual Japanese whale kill in the Antarctic and to inform them of an International campaign to Boycott Japanese Products if Japan continues to kill whales.

Dean Jefferys and Howie Cooke from the Byron Whale Action Group will deliver 992 anti whaling signatures to the Japanese consulate on the ground floor of Comalco Place, 12 Creek St, Brisbane at 2pm, along with a letter demanding Japan stop killing whales immediately in the Southern Whale Sanctuary. Jefferys and Cooke also plan to hand deliver a message to the head offices of Japanese companies in Brisbane to inform them of the boycott campaign if whaling continues.

Jefferys said, " I can't understand why Japan is prepared to keep killing these majestic defenseless whales despite a tsunami of world public opinion against them. Japan is disgracing itself internationally to satisfy the desires of a corrupt and powerful few within the Japanese fishing industry. This is why we are now are calling for consumers around the world to boycott Japanese products and services to pressure Japan to stop this barbaric practice. Maybe the CEOs of the big Japanese companies will start to lobby the Japanese Prime Minister on our behalf when they start loosing millions of dollars in sales and Japan looses millions of dollars in tax revenue due to an international boycott campaign." Jefferys said "We now have a Federal court ruling declaring Japanese whaling in Australian Antarctic waters is illegal yet the Australian Government doesn't want to enforce the injunction. We are running out of options to save the whales. If the Government were serious about stopping the Japanese killing more whales then it would take Japan to the international court as Environment Minister Peter Garrett said he would before the last election. Labor should instruct Japan not to kill whales in Australian Antarctic waters and the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary or it will carry out its promise and take Japan to the international court. Japanese Whaling fleet is currently heading to the Antarctic and plans to kill over 1000 whales, including many that are pregnant, in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary under the guise of 'scientific' whaling. This kill includes 50 endangered fin whales and over 1000 minke whales. Although international pressure forced the Japanese to say they would not kill humpbacks this season they have said they will start killing them as early as December 2009. These are the very whales that hundreds of thousands of people enjoy every year during their annual migration past our shores and one of the main species that supports our $300 million whale watching industry.

Howie Cooke who recently returned from a dolphin slaughter protest in Taiji Japan said "Surfers, divers and sailors experience the wonderment of the ocean and know the joy of being welcomed by the marine mammals. We cannot stand by and watch Japan slaughter thousands of innocent whales and dolphins from the Japanese waters and the north pacific all the way into the pristine wilderness of the Antarctic southern ocean whale sanctuary. Japan must hear and respect world opinion and give up their untenable bloody and cruel acts of genocide, killing and capture, against the whale and dolphin nations. We will continue to defend the right to freedom and peace of whales and dolphins, our fellow surfers and joyful friends of the ocean".

The Sea Shepherd conservation organization in their ship the Steve Irwin is currently preparing to depart their Brisbane river dock this Sunday 30th, to intercept and intervene against the Japanese whaling fleet that is currently on its way to the Antarctic. Jefferys and Cooke support the Sea Shepherds strategy of sinking the Japanese, economically, if they continue to kill whales. While the Sea Shepherds are stopping the Japanese fleet killing whales and costing Japan a packet in the Antarctic, consumers around the world can use their consumer power to help bring about an end to whaling.


For the whales
Dean Jefferys

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