Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Sea Shepherd, Paul Watson prepare Steve Irwin for Antarctic

Ben Potts From Bangalow will be sailing on the Sea Shepherd ship the Steve Irwin to the Antarctic to try to stop the Japanese killing over 900 minke and 50 Fin whales. Potts was one of the 2 Sea Shepherd crew that jumped onto a Japanese whaling ship in the southern oceans earlier this year. He was held for 3 days before being release to the Australian customs ship.

Dean Jefferys and Howie Cooke visited the Ben Potts onboard the Sea Shepherd ship, Steve Irwin. The Sea Shepherd are off to the Antarctic to try to stop the Japanese killing over 900 minke and 50 Fin whales.

Dean Jefferys and Howie Cooke also visited the Japanese consulate in Brisbane (for the 9th time) to have a meeting with the deputy consulate to informed him of the campaign to Boycott Japanese Products if Japan continues to kill whales.

I caught up with the Sea Shepherd founder Paul Watson at a fund raiser and asked him a few questions

For the whales
Dean Jefferys

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